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        天堂8在线天堂资源BT_一区二区在线 | 国_天堂SV在线最新版在线_97在线观看视频_欧美成人影院在线观看

        TM MOTORI電機,TM MOTORI防爆電機

        數量(臺) 價格
        1 1000元/臺
        • 供貨總量: 電議
        • 最小起訂: 1臺
        • 發(fā)貨地址: 上海
        • 付款方式: 面議
        • 發(fā)布日期:2025-01-06
        • 訪問量:156


        實名認證 企業(yè)認證
        • 聯(lián)系人:張博
        • 手機:15216778677
        • 電話:021-56590689
        • 營業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營業(yè)執(zhí)照
        • 經營模式: 貿易公司-私營有限責任公司
        • 所在地區(qū):上海 寶山區(qū)
        • 家家通積分:10680分


        品牌 TM MOTORI 規(guī)格型號 完善
        編號 齊全 計量單位 1臺
        付款方式 面議 參考價格 1000
        價格單位 人民幣 供貨量 不限
        說明書,報價手冊及驅動 暫無相關下載 其他資料下載 暫無相關下載
        產地 意大利 發(fā)貨地 上海


        TM MOTORI電機,TM MOTORI防爆電機

        TM MOTORI S.r.l.的公司從事電動機設計和制造超過40多年。已獲得UNI EN ISO 9001:2008質量體系認證。

        TM MOTORI電機TM系列

        The motors of the series "TM" are asynchronous three-phase motors cooled through external ventilation, with squirrel-cage rotor. Their axle heights go from 63 to 160 and 180 -200 in B3 and B5 versions.

        They are also available with servo fan and servo fan with encoder.

        TM MOTORI電機TMS系列

        The motors of the series "TMS" are asynchronous three-phase motors with d.c. safety brake suitable for applications where a slight and sweet braking is needed, cooled through external ventilation, with squirrel-cage rotor. Their axle heights go from 63 to 160T.

        TM MOTORI電機 TMK系列

        The motors of the series "TMK" are asynchronous three-phase motors with d.c. safety brake suitable for applications where a stronger and more precise braking is needed, cooled through external ventilation, with squirrel-cage rotor.

        Their axle heights go from 63 to 160 and 180 - 200 in the B3 - B5 versions.

        They are also available with servo fan and servo fan with encoder.

        TM MOTORI電機TMM系列

        The motors of the series "TMM" are mono-phase asynchronous motors cooled through external ventilation with squirrel-cage rotor. Their axle heights go from 63 to 112.

        TM MOTORI電機TMKRV系列

        The motors of the series for the building industry "TMKRV" are asynchronous three-phase motors with d.c. brake, cooled through external ventilation and/or servo-ventilated, for operations with inverter, with “squirrel” cage rotor.

        TM MOTORI電機 UL/CSA系列

        Squirrel cage three-phase motors, cooled by an

        external plastic fan, self-extinguishing and UL

        certificated materials.

        Sizes from 63 to 200.

        We can supply single-phase motors, size 63-71.

        TM MOTORI防爆電機 X2D系列、X3D系列

        ATEX motors are aynchronous three-phase for potentially esplosive atmospheres.

         Motors Ex II 2D, series "X2D" usable in presence of combustible dusts- Zone 21

         Motors Ex II 3D, series "X3D" usable in presence of combustible not conductive dusts – Zone 22

        TM MOTORI防爆電機X2G系列,X2GD系列

        ATEX motors are asynchronous three-phase motors for potentially explosive atmospheres.

        Motors with higher safety "Ex e II 2G" series "X2G" used in presence of gas, steam and fogs – Zone 1

        "Ex e II 2GD", series "X2GD" used in presence of gas, steam and fogs – Zone 1 – 21

        TM MOTORI電機,TM MOTORI防爆電機


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        黑人巨茎大战欧美白妇_一区二区在线 | 国_天堂SV在线最新版在线_97在线观看视频
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